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Defense against wrongful drunk driving charges

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2015 | Drunk Driving |

We all do our best to drive as safely as we can, because nobody gets into a car wanting to be involved in an accident. However, sometimes circumstances require that we drive in situations we otherwise would not be driving in. For example, if you are consoling a dear friend early into the morning, you may still have to get up and drive to work. Operating on only a few hours of sleep is risky, and it could affect your driving habits.

Being tired while driving is not recommended and may not be ideal, but it is not strictly illegal either. Despite this, if you begin to drift in your lane due to drowsiness and a police officer sees it, that office may believe that you are intoxicated. If they pull you over and notice that your eyes are red from lack of sleep, they may become even more suspicious. In an effort to determine your level of sobriety, police may ask you to submit to a Breathalyzer, and because the Breathalyzer is improperly calibrated, the results indicate that you are over the legal BAC limit.

This series of events may sound unlikely, but that does not mean that it is impossible. A series of unfortunate circumstances can in fact lead to you being accused of driving while intoxicated, and if you are charged, it is imperative that you take legal action in your defense.

Florida law enforcement is very strict when it comes to pursuing drunk driving charges, and if they believe that someone is a threat, they will spare no effort in seeking a conviction. Even though you are innocent until proven guilty, you may not feel that way when it comes to drunk driving charges. Enlisting the aid of an attorney can help you build a solid defense case to ensure that you are not wrongfully convicted based on circumstance.


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