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Legal defense for all kinds of violent crimes

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2015 | Violent Crimes |

Florida law recognizes a large variety of violent crimes, each with their own precedents and punishments that can affect a conviction or sentence. That is why you need an attorney who is familiar with each and every one of these violent crimes to ensure that you are not wrongfully convicted of a crime you did not commit. Strong legal representation could be the only thing standing between you and serious legal penalties, and you cannot afford to drag your feet.

Whether you are accused of assault and battery, homicide, child neglect or domestic violence, you can be sure that prosecutors will pull no punches in their attempts to get a conviction. That is why you need to match their zeal with a strong legal defense of your own that establishes the events of a case from your perspective, allowing the courts to see the issue from your side.

Even though the law tends to be very black and white, most of the cases that are affected by the law have many shades of gray, and it is in these areas that cases can become complex and contested. For example, if you are involved in a bar fight that you did not start, but an eyewitness claims that you were wielding a weapon, this could not only make the criminal charges more serious, but it could also imply that you intentionally started the fight since you were prepared enough to have a weapon.

As the accused individual, it is up to you to show your perspective in such cases. Perhaps you simply panicked when you were struck and grabbed the nearest object to help you, or perhaps the witness was mistaken in all of the chaos and you never had a weapon at all. There are many issues that you could face when battling to establish your innocence, and that is why you need the legal help that our law firm can provide. If you have been accused of a violent crime in Florida, please visit our website to learn how we can help you with your defense.


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