Experience With Florida’s Drug Court Programs
In an attempt to avoid creating repeat offenders, more and more counties and jurisdictions in Florida are making drug court programs available to those accused of drug crimes, allowing many Floridians to avoid harsh mandatory minimums and other tough punishments.
At The Rudman Law Group — advocates for those with addiction and mental illness — the team attempts to steer clients across Florida to pretrial intervention programs. From its Boca Raton office, the firm tries to create a path forward for our clients that allows them to obtain the necessary treatment that would allow them to become productive citizens.
How Drug Court Can Help
The primary purpose of sentencing in the adult court system is punishment. However, the legislature and the local judicial circuits have created special Florida drug court programs. They exist for the purpose of providing rehabilitation first, punishment second.
However, admission into drug court programs is limited and discretionary on a circuit-to-circuit basis. Typically, the programs can last for no less than 12 months but no more than 18 months.
In drug court, an individual may be required to:
- Attend a rehabilitation center
- Explore treatment options
- Take classes regarding drug abuse
- Attend counseling
In addition, a person may need to submit to drug and alcohol screenings. Often, they require individuals to not use medication, even if it’s prescribed.
Successful completion can allow defendants to move forward with more opportunities and a clean slate. However, those who continue abusing drugs may see the original charges reinstated.
The firm strongly pursues drug court where available, and work with a large team of professionals to present smart, actionable plans. In these instances, the firm prefers to be proactive. They show up in court with a plan. That way, they can start the recovery and treatment process as soon as possible.
Reach Out To See What The Rudman Law Group Can Do For You
The team at the firm help individuals and their loved ones throughout Florida. To discuss how the firm can help, give them a call at 561-464-2615, or use the contact form.