Miscommunication lies at the heart of many disagreements. Sometimes it can be a minor matter that may be simply laughed off. However, in other circumstances it can have extremely harmful consequences. This is especially true when it comes to personal boundaries. An action that may seem friendly to one person could appear threatening to another.
Unfortunately, this means that you could find yourself in serious legal trouble for doing something that you thought was acceptable. If there was a sexual connotation to your actions, this could even lead to allegations of sexual abuse, a matter taken very seriously in Florida.
To avoid running into this sort of trouble, it is important to be very aware of the emotional responses from anyone you interact with sexually. Whether it is a long-term partner or someone you have just met, a poor decision could have devastating consequences. They may suffer from long-lasting trauma, while you could face conviction and a spot on the sex offender registry.
If you find that you need to badger or coerce your partner, it’s time to stop and take a step back. Although you might hope that they would give you a direct refusal, some people find this difficult, so it is vital to be sensitive to his or her mood.
Taking it to the next level, if you touch someone in a sexually suggestive or forceful manner against their will, this may be classed as assault. In many states, this still applies even if the person in question is your spouse. Everyone has the individual right to decide when they are willing to accept physical contact and from whom.
As such, it is better to be safe than sorry, both for your sake and theirs. However, if you have been accused of sexual abuse, you might benefit from the advice of an attorney. He or she can evaluate the source of the allegations and may be able to assist you in protecting your reputation and your future.