Drugs continue to be a large focus of law enforcement agencies and lawmakers, who spare no effort to ensure that dangerous drugs do not end up on the streets. This has led to serious penalties across the country and particularly in the state of Florida. While this is a noble effort, and the penalties were enacted with good intentions, the zeal with which law enforcement pursues drug accusations and drug charges could mean danger for the average Florida resident. It is important to defend yourself if you are accused of a drug crime.
There are many different types of drug crimes, and each one comes with different penalties. Unfortunately, with many different types come many different grounds for accusation. A simple misunderstanding could quickly get out of your control as aggressive investigations leave you with few options to defend yourself, even if you are completely innocent. However, you are not without hope; proper knowledge and adequate defense can help people defend their innocence even in seemingly dire situations.
The most important thing to remember in a drug crime case is that every case is unique, and the details could be the difference between conviction and acquittal. For example, an overzealous investigation may come by incriminating evidence through an illegal search or unlawful seizure. Taking decisive action against such procedures could stop the case in its tracks and perhaps even see the charges dismissed.
Visit my webpage to learn more about the types of drug crimes you could face, and how I am well-positioned to help you defend your case. My time spent as a prosecutor has given me in-depth knowledge of what individuals accused of drug crimes will be facing, which allows me to defend them from angles that they may not even know exist. Every second you are not building a defense for your case is a second where the prosecution is mounting a stronger offense against you. Do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation.