If you are charged with a criminal action, regardless of how severe the charge is, you should take legal action in your defense as soon as possible. It may seem like a small issue to be charged with petty theft or trespassing, but even the smallest criminal charges could carry hefty fines or even incarceration as a consequence. In addition to the legal consequences of a conviction, you will likely face the social consequences of being a convicted criminal.
Of course, while misdemeanors are still serious concerns that should be treated as such, they are not as severe as felony charges. Being convicted of grand theft, rape or homicide will almost certainly lead to jail time, and your reputation may never full recover from the blemish on your permanent record. Even if you are not convicted, you may still face the social stigmas of being a criminal, as some people make up their minds long before a jury.
It can be frightening to know that you have been charged with a criminal offense, but strong legal counseling can help assuage those fears and make the criminal defense proceedings less stressful. Visit our webpage on criminal defense to find out more about what charges you could be facing, and how we can help you defend against them.
It would be nice to think that an innocent person would not be convicted in a criminal court, but unfortunately this is not always true. The jury must make the best decision they can based on the evidence and cases presented to them, and an experienced criminal defense attorney can ensure that you present the best defense possible. The last thing you want is to be convicted of a crime you did not commit.