Drunk driving is a serious crime with heft penalties, and a conviction can change your life. This is not without good reason, since drunk drivers can pose serious risks to themselves as well as others on the road. With this in mind, it is no surprise that Florida’s law enforcement officials treat potential drunk driving cases so seriously. Nobody is beyond drunk driving charges because the ramifications are so serious.
A deputy with the Orange County Sheriff’s office was recently pulled over after state highway patrol noticed he swerved around in his lane. According to the report, the deputy claimed that he had been drinking consistently since he woke up at six in the morning.
DUI offenses do happen, and you can rest assured that the authorities will spare no effort in tracking down DUI offenders and charging them. This is why legal defense from drunk driving is so important, because there are ways to avoid a drunk driving conviction. When you are pulled over for a DUI offense, it is up to the law enforcement officials to prove that you were indeed intoxicated. There are a few ways that they accomplish this.
Field sobriety tests and breath test machines are a few ways that officers can determine your level of intoxication, but the way in which these tests are calibrated and administered can affect the results. Legal assistance can determine whether or not your charges are valid, and strong legal defense may help you be acquitted from drunk driving charges.
Source: Florida Today, “Florida deputy arrested on DUI charge,” April 20, 2015