Sex crimes are very serious legal matters that can come with steep legal penalties if a person is convicted. There are many different types of sex crimes, but the most well-known and arguably the most common are sexual assault and rape. Many people know rape as forcing sexual contact onto another person who does not desire the contact, and while this is accurate, not everyone realizes that rape can occur in a marriage as well.
Being married to someone does not imply or guarantee a sexual relationship. While sex is usually a large part of a marriage, there are many different reasons that one spouse will stop desiring sexual relations or never desired sexual relations in the first place. While this is obviously something that couples should discuss before marriage, simply being married does not give you the right to have sex with someone. If you force sexual relations with your spouse when they do not consent to the act, it is rape.
This is important for individuals who are unsure of their rights when it comes to a marriage. Forced sexual relations with a spouse are a form of domestic abuse, and victims of such acts do not have to suffer alone. The law is clear when it comes to sexual assault and domestic violence.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of domestic violence in Florida, do not hesitate to exercise your legal rights. Consulting with an attorney may help you obtain protection from your abuser and ensure the safety of you and your family. Please do not hesitate to contact my firm and set up a free consultation to discuss your circumstances.