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Defense options for criminal charges

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2016 | Criminal Defense |

Even though residents of the United States, including those in Florida, are considered innocent until proven guilty when it comes to criminal charges, that does not mean that those who are accused of a crime should not take their legal defense seriously. No matter what your circumstances, you can likely benefit from legal aid in your criminal defense, so you may wish to consider consulting with an attorney. There are many different options you could use to prove your innocence.

Ultimately, unless you wish to plead guilty to a crime, there are two possibilities for making a defense case: either you did not commit the crime, or you did commit the crime. However, you should not be held responsible due to extenuating circumstances. Proving either of these claims is a battle in and of itself, so there are some things you should consider.

If you wish to claim that you did not commit the crime, remember these three things:

  • You are innocent until you are proven guilty, which means that the judge and jury are legally obligated to assume that you are innocent regardless of evidence until the prosecution successfully proves otherwise.
  • The standards for proving guilt are extremely high, so much so that unless the prosecution can prove your guilt beyond reasonable doubt, you could be found innocent.
  • An alibi is one of the most effective ways to prove innocence. Having evidence to prove that you were nowhere near the site of the crime makes it very difficult for the prosecution to assert your guilt.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to legal defense options, which is why it is important that you always consider your legal options before making a move or saying anything. If you have been charged with a crime, then meeting with an attorney as soon as you can may aid you in taking the fullest advantage of your legal rights.


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