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Why some partners make false domestic violence accusations

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2019 | Violent Crimes |

There is nothing about domestic violence to take lightly when it is a reality for many people in abusive relationships. However, not everyone who cries wolf is telling the truth when law enforcement arrives at the door. When you are on the receiving end of a false allegation, you need serious legal defense.

Such accusations can ruin a person’s reputation and even cause detriment to their financial stability and overall future. You may be tempted to play the same blame game as your partner but avoid such tendency. Making false statements to law enforcement is not in your best interest when defending yourself against domestic violence.

What’s their MO?

False accusations of domestic violence are usually a result of a custody battle. Many divorcing parents point a finger of blame that will carry hefty consequences in the other parent’s direction. The court knows that a child is not safe when a partner is accused of committing domestic violence. The accusation is made to control and manipulate the custody arrangements, ultimately hurting the other person the most through eliminating or reducing access to their child. Other reasons include being made from spite, resentment, bitterness, rage and anger at the other person.

Where’s the evidence?

All accusations need evidence to back them up in court. When you are defending yourself against false claims, you must ask the prosecuting side to show evidence. Does the other person have anything substantial that will hold up in court? This could be video recordings of the alleged incident, threatening text messages, eye witnesses, etc. You need to work with a qualified criminal defense attorney to support you against such allegations.

False allegations may become complicated when you lack proper legal support. You do not want your reputation ruined or a criminal record put out against you after these types of charges are made. There is help and hope for people facing false domestic violence charges.


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