A charge of sexual misconduct in Florida can bring with it devastating penalties, from fines to imprisonment. But perhaps the hardest part of being charged with sex crime is the catastrophic damage it can do to your reputation in both your professional and personal life. A sex crime can also land you on the sex offender registry, branding you with a stigma that may never go away. This could endanger not only you in the present, but also the future, making it difficult to get a job or a fresh start.
Consider the case of a Boca Raton man who was accused in 2012 of secretly recording women changing on his smartphone. In all, he made about 30 videos and kept them on his computer. There were no accusations that he disseminated them on the Internet or elsewhere. He pleaded guilty to five charges of video voyeurism and was sentenced to 10 years behind bars. His attorney argued that the sentence was inappropriate. In his fight for a lighter sentence for his client, the lawyer compared his client’s sentence to that of previous cases of child pornographers who had received equal or lighter sentences.
The defendant sent a letter to the court, apologizing for his actions and pleading for a second chance. He wrote regarding his concerns about supporting his family if he’s unable to find a job when he gets out.
The judge granted the lighter term, cutting the man’s sentence in half. He will now serve five years in prison and another five on probation.
These types of crimes are serious and should not be taken lightly. If you find yourself facing charges of a sexual nature, a Florida attorney may be able to help you get the best resolution for your case.
Source: sun-sentinel.com, “Boca Raton video voyeur gets reduced sentence,” Marc Freeman, May 20, 2014