Criminal charges can turn your life upside-down. Authorities take allegations of criminal offenses very seriously in Florida, as is the case throughout the United States. In order to find the truth of such allegations, it is often necessary to carry out lengthy investigations. Unfortunately, this can mean that individuals come under suspicion despite having had nothing to do with the crime in question.
Fortunately, you are considered innocent unless guilt can be proven beyond reasonable doubt. As such, there are many lines of defense that you could employ to maintain this doubt. As this article on defense strategies explains, these include the following:
- Denial. Sometimes it is enough to simply assert that you are not guilty.
- Explanation. If you were involved in the crime, giving your side of the story can sometimes work in your favor, particularly if you committed the offense under duress.
- Insanity. If you were unaware of your actions or unable to control them, this can be taken into consideration during your trial.
You may also be able to negotiate a plea deal. This is where you plead guilty to certain charges in order to have others dropped or your sentence reduced. An attorney can advise you about whether this may be the best choice for you. With the right guidance, you may be able to protect your reputation and avoid conviction altogether.