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Cyberstalking Defense Lawyers In Boca Raton

Throughout the past several years, there have been a number of highly publicized cases in which one person was accused of harassing or cyberstalking another online or through a wide range of electronic communication mediums. These are often very emotional cases, with the alleged victim having suffered greatly due to the actions. However, the alleged perpetrator and their rights are often lost in this process, even when they are innocent until proven guilty.

If you have been accused of or charged with cyberstalking, the team at The Rudman Law Group is here to fight for your rights. They are former prosecutors who are aggressive in the protection of their clients from their Boca Raton office. The team at The Rudman Law Group takes the time to explain your options in a cyberstalking or other criminal case and their options for building a defense.

What Is Cyberstalking?

Florida law defines cyberstalking as the communication of or enticement to communicate messages, words, photos and other images through electronic means. This communication has the intent to cause considerable emotional distress to a specific person and does not serve any reasonable purpose.

Cyberstalking can involve any type of electronic communication, including:

  • Text messages
  • Email
  • Instant messages or direct messages
  • Postings on social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Websites and blogs
  • Posting in online forums

The Consequences Of Cyberstalking

Most cyberstalking cases are handled in state court. However, there are federal and interstate stalking and harassment laws that may apply in specific cyberstalking cases. Regardless of which court your case is being handled in, their attorneys can help.

The Rudman Law Group has years of experience handling cases in state and federal courts and can explain the potential consequences you are facing. If the case is pursued as a first-degree misdemeanor, you are facing up to 12 months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines. However, if the case is handled as a third-degree felony, called “aggravated cyberstalking,” a conviction would result in up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines.

In addition to criminal consequences, a cyberstalking conviction would go on your criminal record and be visible to the public. This means that it could potentially impact your future ability to obtain employment, housing or loans. You may also be subject to prohibition from electronic communications, and an injunction may be filed against you, forbidding you from contacting the alleged victim.

Get Started And Talk To The Rudman Law Group Today

Do not sit by and do nothing about the allegations or charges of cyberstalking against you. Schedule a free consultation at the firm’s Palm Beach office by calling 561-464-2615. You can also send them an email online.

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